The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.Isaiah 9:2
The first Sunday of Advent is also the first Sunday of the new liturgical year. Advent is the time when we prepare for the coming of Christ. Advent and Christmas are very special times for Christians. These liturigical seasons are also extraordinary times for being welcoming, deepening our faith and evangelizing— our parish values. The Great Light of Jesus is our guide in our journey always. Click on the drop down boxes below to learn more.
EXTENDING HOSPITALITY & WELCOME Like Christ, we share with all, an open-minded, non- judgmental spirit of welcome
Be Inviting
Offer your friends an open invitation to Mass, anytime and especially during the season of Advent. If they have been away from the Church for any reason, we want to make this Advent a time of return. If you have friends or family members who have drifted away from their faith or know of someone seeking a faith community, invite them home to the heart of God’s mercy, to experience first hand our community of faith, hope, and love. Consider inviting friends to the following parish events.
Parish Advent Reconciliation ServiceAs we begin the new liturgical year in the Church, we invite all to begin anew with souls nourished from the gift of the divine mercy and forgiveness God has for everyone— including those who have been away from the Church for whatever reason. Come home!
Feast of the Immaculate ConceptionThe Feast of the Immaculate Conception is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be held at 8:45 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. on December 8, 2017. Join us to recite the Rosary at 6:30 PM before Mass. (The 7:45 A.M. Mass will not be held.)
Saint Patrick Catholic School Advent & Christmas CelebrationAll are welcome at the annual celebration on December 13, 2017, at 6:30 P.M.
GROWING IN FAITH Jesus, the Father’s great love shared with us, calls us to a deeper personal relationship with Him and authentic relationships with one another
Deepening Our Faith
On Your Phone
As a parish, we invite you to daily prayer and reflection. To help our faith community to foster a deeper personal and communal prayer life, we encourage the faithful to download myParish app to their mobile phone.
With the Rosary
During Advent, we will honor Our Blessed Mother by reciting the Holy Rosary on Sundays at 9:55 AM.
Bring your rosary or borrow one of ours. Meet us in front of the statue of Our Lady.
The Rosary is a Scripture-based prayer. The repetition in the Rosary is meant to lead one into restful and contemplative prayer related to each Mystery. The gentle repetition of the words helps us to enter into the silence of our hearts, where Christ’s spirit dwells. The Rosary can be said privately or with a group.
SHARING THE GOOD NEWS & EVANGELIZING As disciples of Christ, moved by the Holy Spirit, we venture out in faith to share the Good News
… there are familiar ways by which evangelization happens: by the way we live God’s love in our daily life; by the love, example, and support people give each other;… in the care we show to those most in need; and in the ways we go about our work, share with our neighbors, and treat the stranger.
In daily life, family members evangelize each other; men and women, their future spouses; and workers, their fellow employees, by the simple lives of faith they lead. excerpt from Go and Make Disciples
During the Advent season let’s love others in life-changing ways! Along with prayer, alms are also a part of the Advent season. Just as the Magi labored through a long journey to worship and gave precious gifts to the Christ Child, so we can do the same during the Advent season.
Good deeds and generosity have always been an important part of the preparation for Christmas. Advent is a great time to practice spiritual and corporal acts of mercy.
Pope Francis encourages little gestures of love— the place where holiness lies. He said that holiness lies in the little gestures of tenderness and compassion. The little signs of love are proof of Jesus’ presence in our lives and bring proof of Jesus’ presence to the lives of others.
Will you bring a little gesture of love to our parish faith community and beyond our parish doors?
The following are a few suggestions for causes you might be able to get passionate about and get others involved.
Serve the Homeless
Jesus identified himself with our poorest brothers and sisters. Be Jesus in disguise December 2 – 9. Come and share a meal, serve as an overnight host or donate food as we serve as the host site for Catholic Community Services Family Housing Network. Send us an email if you are interested in serving. By sharing a meal or spending the night you are evangelizing by your acts of love and grace.
The holidays are one of the busiest times at the St. Leo Food Connection, with 350 families coming to the St. Leo Food Bank each day. Help to make sure that everyone in our community has the food they need to have a good holiday season. Learn how you can help through food drives, volunteering or giving!
Outerwear Collection
The Social Justice group sponsors an annual collection starting in December and continuing through February of new and gently used outerwear. Items needed are coats, blankets, hats, and mittens in all sizes—children and adults, plus everything in between. The Social Justice group is also collecting baby items such as formula, diapers, wipes and car seats.
The Giving TreeThe Ushers & Greeters of Saint Patrick Catholic Church, in our partnership with Catholic Community Services (CCS), are sponsoring The Giving Tree.
Catholic Community Services has provided us with the name, age, and gender of children who need our help this giving season. Each of the children has a brightly colored-tag on the tree in the Gathering Space. Parishioners are invited to take a tag off the tree, shop for a suitable gift for the child than to return the wrapped gift with the name tag to an usher by December 17. All gifts will be taken to CCS in time to be delivered by Christmas.
Senior First Friday Gathering | Mass | Anointing | Fellowship
Join the seniors on December 1, 2017, for Mass which will include anointings followed by a luncheon and fellowship in the Church Hall.
The Mass and luncheon leaders are looking for volunteers to help with table setting, serving lunch and after lunch clean up for the Senior Ministry’s First Friday gatherings. This is a great opportunity to serve our parish elders who have served the parish faith community for so many years, especially during the season of Advent.
Also, at 12:00 P.M. on the third Tuesday of the month, St. Rita of Cascia Catholic Church celebrates a healing Mass, during which the Sacrament of Anointing is offered after the homily and before the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Sock Collection
PrimeTimers are collecting new socks filled with toiletries for the homeless. Containers for donated socks will be in the Gathering Space at Church and the Parish Center now through December 17th.
Knights of Columbus Christmas Party
Join the Knights and their families on December 14, 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. in the Church Hall. All parish families are invited. Santa will be there too!