Vacation Bible School is fast approaching! Held at Saint Patrick Catholic Church in conjunction with St. Charles Borromeo, 9 am – 12 pm, June 29 – July 3, 2015 this years program will be full of sparks and explosions big enough to excite a child of any age- even the young at heart with volunteer opportunities that will ignite your passion.
This year’s program is SonSpark Labs, a week of laboratory adventures and fun! Through their adventures children will discover God’s Big Plan. Lively songs, hilarious skits, creative crafts, exciting games, Bible stories and tasty snacks –all of the things that make VBS so much fun for children. On top of all that, children will learn that God’s plan 4 US = Jesus.
Click here to learn more or register today to ensure your lab seat in the SonSparks Lab!