Dedicating a House to Pope Francis in the Year of Mercy
At a recent meeting of the Pierce County Deanery Council, the Pastors of the Deanery entered into a partnership with Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity to fund, build, and dedicate a house to Pope Francis in honor of his Jubilee Year of Mercy. This commitment provides every Catholic in the county with an opportunity to participate as their abilities and time permits.
A Collaboration of All Deanery Parishes
The Pope Francis’ Jubilee House is part of recent Pierce Deanery efforts to encourage our parishes to find new ways to work together in collaboration to spread the Good News and what better way to see “concrete” results that can come from a team effort than by cooperatively building a house!
All 25 Pierce Deanery parishes have committed to support the building of Pope Francis’s Jubilee House calling upon Christian stewardship of treasure and talent.
Your Support is Needed
The out-of-pocket sponsorship amount for construction materials for the house is $65,000 and many hours of labor. Saint Patrick Catholic Church’s share of the sponsorship was determined by an existing cost-sharing formula used for Deanery expenses. Saint Patrick Catholic Church has committed to raising $5,000 and working the week of September 14 – 17, 2016 on the build site.
Stewardship of Treasure
Make your donation today! Click on the button below and choose the gift option Habitat for Humanity Pope Francis’ Jubilee House or drop a check made payable to Saint Patrick Catholic Church in the collection basket and note Habitat for Humanity Pope Francis’ Jubilee House in the memo line.

Stewardship of Talent
Anyone can come out and work on the build site on any Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and/or Saturday. Saint Patrick Catholic Church and School’s designated work week is September 14 – 17, 2016. Chip McCullough, parishioner, member of the Knights of Columbus Tacoma Council 809 and active TPC – H4H volunteer is coordinating the efforts at the parish.
In addition, all are invited to an all-parish build scheduled for September 28, 29, 30, October 1.
No Experience Needed
Those age 16 or older are able to work on the house. No construction experience is needed. There is something everyone can do. Younger people can help with landscaping.
Training is Required
All first-time volunteers are required to attend an orientation before building with TPC-H4H. A New Volunteer Orientation was held on Saturday, September 10, 2016 in the Church Hall at 6:30 P.M. immediately following 5:30 P.M. Vigil Mass. The presentation was about 1 hour.
If you are unable to make the new orientation at Saint Patrick Catholic Church, TPC-H4H offers two New Volunteer Orientations a month, typically held the first Saturday and third Thursday.
Trained Already?
If you have already taken the required New Volunteer Orientation, contact event coordinator Chip McCullough via email or phone 253-381-9212 to select a work day, or two or an hour or a few!
Homebuyer Needed
Habitat for Humanity is currently accepting applications for Pope Francis’ Jubilee House. Qualifications for application are:
- 3 – 6 person household
- Demonstrated need (e.g., overcrowded or unsafe living conditions)
- Minimum gross household income of $49,476/year
- Ability to make a monthly mortgage payment of at least $1,235
- Ability to pay additional monthly expenses (escrow, utilities, and COA dues of $75/month)
If you or someone you know is interested in applying, please contact Habitat for more details about eligibility and the application process.
Documenting the Progress of the Jubilee House
Work on the house began in early June 2016. Many people from local parishes in the Pierce Deanery attended the “Wall Raising”— kind of like a ground breaking on June 11, 2016. A blessing was provided by Father Nick Wichert, Pastor of Holy Rosary, St. Joseph, and Visitation parishes. Parishioners were provided permanent markers with which to write prayers, messages, well wishing, etc. on the house’s framing materials.
The progress of the Jubilee House and the celebration of the Year of Mercy is being documented in news articles, blogs and videos.
Check out the progress!
A Jubilee Year of Mercy to Remember
Please join us in helping to make this Jubilee Year of Mercy one to be remembered.
Save the date for the New Volunteer Orientation on September 10, 2016, then mark your calendar for a work day on the build site. Already trained? Contact Chip McCullough with the date you can work on the build site.
Can’t work on the build site— you can still support the Jubilee House by helping to raise $5000— Saint Patrick Catholic Church’s portion of the fund building costs sponsorship. Make your gift today. And encourage your friends and family to support Pope Francis’ Jubilee House too by making a donation!