Bob and Karen Bruback are long-time parishioner at Saint Patrick Catholic Church. Bob has been a parishioner for over 40 years. His parents were parishioners too. Bob and Karen are stewards among us.
Christian Stewardship
Bob is a Christian steward. A christian steward is one who receives God’s gifts gratefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, shares them in justice and love with others, and returns them with increase to the Lord. Bob has served on the Finance Council for nearly half his time as a parishioners— that is 20 years! Bob and Karen have also prayerfully discerned their gift to the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal and have given generously of their fruits.
Matching YOUR Gift
Bob and Karen have given their gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal some time ago— along with over 400 other donors. After further discernment, the Brubacks graciously pledged that they would provide an additional gift— a match to donations made to the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal, up to a total of $500.

We Are ALL Called to be Good Stewards
Have you donated to the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal? If not, please prayerfully consider the Brubacks generous stewardship of treasure commitment to match up to $500 in donations. Or maybe you will stand with the Brubacks in your commitment to stewardship and match incoming gifts?
Click the button below to make your donation now to the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal.

Stewardship Is A Need to Give
Remember, while our parish has many particular needs for which funds must be raised, in this case to increase our 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal rebate from the Seattle Archdiocese, which will be used to improve handicap accessibility at the Church in the form of installing two additional handicap door openers— one for the door entering the main sanctuary of the Church and the other for the door to the ground floor entrance off the handicapped accessible parking, by the elevator, we must continue to reflect on the fact that stewardship is different from fund-raising.
Stewardship is rooted in one indisputable need – the need to give. Our gratitude can so easily become a matter of words only, unless we are returning to the Lord, the giver of all gifts, a truly grateful share of our time, talent, and treasure.
Double Your Gift
Most companies have matching gift programs and many of those companies match the Annual Catholic Appeal. You can double your gift to the ACA in a few easy steps. Once your gift has been paid in full, apply for the match per your employer’s instructions. The Annual Catholic Appeal, Archdiocese of Seattle, is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Learn more about matching gift programs.
Do You Know a Steward Among Us?
Saint Patrick Catholic Church has many parishioners doing great things for others and for the parish. Help us profile parishioners who are living as everyday stewards among us. Stewardship lifts up our parish community and we want to give thanks for the gifts of such good people. Send us an email and let us know about the stewards among us.
We surpassed our $500 goal in matching donations. Since the matching incentive gifted by Bob and Karen Bruback was announced, an additional $610 has been donated to the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal! Thank you Bob and Karen and to the donors who made their generous gifts to help the parish earn the match from the Bruback’s.
Saint Patrick Catholic Church has mets its goal in pledges, yet those pledges still need to be fulfilled if we are to receive a rebate and ensure that we do not fall short of our goal, resulting in a need to remit a payment to the Seattle Archdiocese from our parish savings. Currently our pledge fulfillment rate is 73%. So fulfill your pledges and then get a matching donation from your comany so that we can improve accessibility to our parish for all. Our parish rebate project carries a price tag of $20,000. We have a ways to go!