Pope Francis will declare Blessed Teresa of Kolkata a saint at the Vatican September 4, 2016. The date was announced March 15, 2016 during a meeting of the pope, cardinals and promoters of sainthood causes that formally ends the sainthood process.
The Date Has Significance
The date chosen for her canonization is the eve of the 19th anniversary of her death and the date previously established at the Vatican for the conclusion of the Year of Mercy pilgrimage of people like her who are engaged in works of mercy.
Missionaries of Charity and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
In 2008, Missionaries of Charity (MC)— Mother Teresa’s order, approached Sofia Cavaletti, foundress of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) to ask permission to use the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd as ‘formal’ formation for their sisters. Since then, CGS and the MCs have been collaborators. Together CGS and MC are doing something beautiful for God. Sofia was very happy about this relationship.
Read Sofia’s A Special Foglietto Issue in which she announces the start of a relationship between CGS and MC.
Our Parish Indirectly Supports the Relationship between MC and CGS
Our faith community at Saint Patrick Catholic Church can be fill with joy knowing that they have been ‘supporting’ this relationship between CGS and MC, by allowing the growth of CGS locally through the Sheepfold, a Pacific Northwest Consortium for CGS Sustainability. The Sheepfold provides an opportunity for a faith community to have ongoing, affordable and sustainable training for CGS Formation.
More Formation Leaders, More Trained Catechists, More Outreach
Linda Kaiel, CGS Formation Leader who has trained catechist at Saint Patrick Catholic Church, like Kim Ward, Pastoral Assosiciate for Faith Formation and Sandra Kuharic, Pastoral Assistant for Evangelization & Engagement and many others in the area, rarely trains locally anymore, now traveling to places all over the world to train MC’s, including India. Though she also trains MC in the USA too. In May 2013 and again in June 2014, Linda, trained several MC along with lay catechists including Sandra Kuharic. Sandra spent one week living and training with the MC in Spokane, Washington at St. Patrick Parish.
Parish Support Helps Trainers Train MC Abroad
She would not be as free to leave this area and train internationally due to the many training requests she receives if Saint Patrick Catholic Church and the PNW region did not support local efforts to raise up and train Formation Leaders. There are now 3 CGS Formation Leaders in the Seattle Archdiocese, thanks to the support of the parish and Father Seamus Laverty who gave his blessing for this very special approach to faith formation at Saint Patrick Catholic Church nearly 20 years ago.
- “Mother Teresa and Doing Something Beautiful for God.” from the book My Life with the Saints
- Mother Teresa’s Legacy
- Excerpt from Loyola Kids Book of Heroes
- The Legacy Of A Saint: Mother Teresa
- Mother Teresa: Nobel Peace Prize Recipient
- Mother Teresa
- The Canonization Process: How Does the Church Declare a Saint?
Discerning CGS for Your Child?
Interested in learning more about CGS? Take a tour of the atrium. Kim Ward, Pastoral Associate of Faith Formation will answer your questions about this unique approach to faith formation where the mystery of the child, meets the mystery of God. Email or call 253-383-2783 to schedule an appointment.