This year marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, which split the Christian Church and caused so much trauma for both Catholics and Protestants down through the centuries. Thanks be to God’s loving and life-giving grace, new efforts have been made, especially over the last 50 years, to bring reconciliation, healing, and hope to all Christians that in God’s time we may be one both in name and fact.
Dialogue Reaches Local Level
While international and national bodies of Catholics and Lutherans have been in dialogue for the past few decades, Catholic priests, Lutheran pastors, and lay leaders of Pierce County parishes and congregations recently started meeting on a monthly basis to work toward “oneness” of the body of Christ (as spoken of by Jesus in John 17) on a local level. After six months of mutual conversation and prayer, these leaders decided to “plan a gathering around the Reformation anniversary.” The vision was a “joint Lutheran/Catholic worship for as many in our communities as we can gather.” The “New Birth • Living Hope” worship service allows the lay people of the same parishes and congregations to similarly gather together to worship the Lord God as one people.
Let’s Worship Together
Therefore, you are invited and encouraged to come and worship alongside your fellow Catholic and Lutheran brothers and sisters in Christ from parishes and congregations throughout Pierce County. Join us as we affirm our baptisms, sing together, pray with and for one another, hear the Word of God from both Lutheran and Catholic clergy, and worship in the name of Jesus Christ “that we may be one.”
Learn more about the Joint Catholic / Lutheran “That They May Be One” Worship or let us know you are attending by visiting the New Birth • Living Hope Facebook event page.
Would you or your choir like to be a part of an intergenerational/mass choir the night of the worship service? We encourage as many participants as possible from any of our congregations.
For all those interested in singing please arrive at St. Charles Borromeo by 6:00 p.m. on 11/14.
Choir directors from the various churches may contact Anna Defoe for more information.
Additional Resources
To learn more about the decades-long dialogue taking place between Catholics and Lutherans, explore some of these documents that are available online.