Do you have a student entering the 2nd grade or 7-11 years old who is ready for Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation and Holy Communion?
Register before the hustle and bustle of September rolls around, and cross it off your to-do list now!
Second grade (7+ years of age) is (usually) when baptized Catholic children begin to prepare for these sacraments.
If the child is not baptized or baptized in another Christian denomination and would like to pursue the sacraments for and with the child, there is a sacramental preparation process that will meet your specific needs. We will happily assist you and your family on your faith journey.
REGISTER: 2024-25 Sacramental Preparation Registration
Register by September 15. The first meeting is on September 26 at 6:30 pm in the Parish Center at Saint Patrick Catholic Church.