Let’s Pray Together
Let’s pray together on All Saints Day, November 1 at 8:45 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. and All Souls Day, November 2 at 7 P.M. at Saint Patrick Catholic Church.
What is All Souls Day?
All Souls Day is a Catholic day of remembrance dedicated to those who have recently died.
The Grief Ministry of Saint Patrick Catholic Church invites families and friends of those loved ones who have died this year to attend the All Souls Commemoration Mass for the Faithful Departed.
A candle will be lit by a family member or friend in memory of the loved one, who now sleeps in Christ.
Book for our Deceased
As we prepare for All Souls Day, we will have our book for our deceased in the Vestibule of the Church. You are invited to add the names of departed friends and family.
The book will placed in the sanctuary of our Church throughout the month of November.
Remembering Our Deceased
We remember our deceased who have gone before us, marked with the sign of faith, …. May these and all who sleep in Christ find His presence, light, happiness and peace.
Dianne Marie Fehl
Yvonne Rose Simpson
William David Adams
James Francis Henriot
Eunice Ione Hughes
Meeka Janet Bruenn
David Mack Atkinson
Florence Eleanor Bucholz
Charles Joseph Brady, Sr.
Mary Joan Day
Ivo Berosh
Stanley James Naccarato
Martha Frances Renggli
Rose Bertha Landeis
Angeline M. Williams
Antoinetta Di Palma
Margaret Loraine O’Connell
Frank M. Darling
Sara Elizabeth Grochowicz
Ingrid Skeldon
Michael Curley
Zita Mary Bucsko
December 3, 2015
December 12, 2015
December 21, 2015
January 3, 2016
January 6, 2016
February 14, 2016
February 26, 2016
March 30, 2016
April 17, 2016
April 17, 2016
May 8, 2016
May 25, 2016
June 7, 2016
June 28, 2016
June 28, 2016
July 25, 2016
August 8, 2016
August 9, 2016
August 31, 2016
September 30, 2016
October 11, 2016
October 13, 2016
What is All Saints Day?
All Saints Day is a solemn holy day of the Catholic Church celebrated annually on November 1. It is a day dedicated to all those who have entered heaven, including the saints who are recognized by the church and those who are not. All Saints Day followed All Souls Day. In the Hispanic culture, these same two days are called Day of the Dead, which is another beautiful celebration of death and life.