We need your help! Saint Patrick Catholic Church and Holy Cross Catholic Church have been blessed in the initial offering of Alpha. Over 150 people have signed on for this amazing 11-week journey to encounter Jesus and explore some of life’s deepest questions— for example, “If you were face-to-face with God and could ask one question— what would you ask God?”. One key to the success of Alpha is hospitality which includes a meal. The meal sets the stage for a video presentation followed by small group discussion of the video content.
The Loaves & Fishes
During the first two sessions, our small cooking and set-up teams quickly discovered what it feels like to multiply loaves and fishes (and do the dishes), as we work to host and feed 150 people hungry for Jesus! With God’s grace we’ve managed to get it done these past two weeks, however we could use some human help over the next 9 weeks. If you’d like to be a part of the host team that helps us create a welcoming environment for 150 people looking to deepen their faith in Jesus.
How to Help
Volunteers are needed on Tuesdays, starting immediately. Two volunteers are needed to assist with set up, from 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. and four volunteers are needed to join the kitchen crew from 5:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. to prep food, serve and clean-up. If you are feeling called to be part of Alpha in this way, let us know. We need you.