Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Patrick Catholic Church,
We are pleased to announce that Archbishop Sartain has extended the current model of Pastoral Leadership for Saint Patrick Catholic Church. Kevin Lovejoy will continue serving as Pastoral Coordinator, and Father Tom Lamanna, Father Jerry Graham, and Father John Fuchs will serve as Parish Priests. Deacon Bill Eckert will also continue to serve the parish as our beloved Deacon.
We express our joy and gratitude to the local Jesuit community for their willingness to continue to serve the Saint Patrick Catholic Church. We look forward to continuing this great relationship.
We also thank Archbishop Sartain for his trust and confidence in the parishioners of Saint Patrick to continue to grow in their faith and discipleship under this leadership model.
And of course we thank each of you— the parishioners of this great faith community, for your acceptance and support of this new arrangement. Its been an eventful year. Thank you for your openness to the reality of our circumstances as a church, both in the universal sense and here at Saint Patrick in particular, and how this reality is challenging us to discern and understand what our faith means to us, and where it is leading us individually and communally.
I look forward to continuing this journey together with you, with our Jesuits, and with those we are called to serve.
View the complete list of Official Seattle Archdiocese Appointments as of May 5, 2016.
Yours in Christ,
Kevin Lovejoy
Pastoral Coordinator