The Annual Parish & School Picnic on starts at 12 P.M. on September 13, 2015 in the Courtyard at Saint Patrick Catholic Church.
The Knights of Columbus Tacoma Council 809 are ready to fire up the grill. Can you help round out the potluck menu? Last names beginning with A – H, please bring a salad, those beginning with I – R, bring a side dish, and last names beginning with S – Z, bring a dessert.
Knights of Columbus Tacoma Council 809 are hosting the Annual Soccer Challenge for boys and girls, ages 9-14 in the parking lot of the Parish Center, 1:30 to 3:00 P.M. after a hearty lunch at the Picnic. Winners will advance to district and possibly state competition. If you have questions, email Mike Prichard.
For those who are musically oriented, an opportunity to sing or play an instrument will be available in an open mic format. Bring it on at the picnic.
Bring a picnic blanket to relax on the grass. The weatherman is saying 73 degrees and partially sun. Tables will be set up in the Parish Hall too.
The Annual Parish & School Picnic is sponsored by the Knights Columbus Tacoma Council 809, the St. Patrick Parents’ Association and the Pastoral Council at Saint Patrick Catholic Church.
RSVP on Facebook, then invite your friends, then check out photos of the 2014 picnic on Facebook.
The annual parish picnic is always a special day filled with fellowship and fun.
Posted by Saint Patrick Catholic Church on Sunday, September 14, 2014