As Long as it Takes…
We often get asked, “How long do we keep people’s names in the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass?” The short answer is, “It depends.” A more accurate answer is, “As long as it takes!” In this earthly life, we won’t know the efficacy of intercession. Nevertheless, as a faith community, we often find ourselves on both the offering and receiving end of such prayers.
The Power of Prayer
Who’s to say whether knowing we were praying for them inspired and strengthened them to battle their illness, whether the prayers provided comfort to their family, or whether the value of the prayers lies with the “pray-ers” who experience the simple comfort and joy of being able to pray for the well-being of someone else?
Pray Without Ceasing
So keep praying for one another for “as long as it takes” to achieve whatever purpose it may serve. Send us your prayers, and light a candle near the Marian Altar. Pray without ceasing.