The Church is celebrating an extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy—a tenet of our faith that Pope Francis sees as one of the cornerstones of the Church. You are invited to celebrate the Jubilee Year of Mercy by living Lent more intensely.

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Reverence toward God is an integral part of the scouting experience.

Cub Scout Pack 299 will honor twelve scouts who have worked with their parents through a spiritual journey to earn their Light of Christ medallions.

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On January 24, 2016, children in Sacramental Preparation for First Holy Communion celebrated something very special— The Ceremony of Light.

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Congratulations to Patricia Ottow, parishioner at Saint Patrick Catholic Church.The Seattle Archdiocese Office of Catholic Faith Formation awarded Patricia Ottow catechetical certification in the Archdiocese of Seattle.

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Saint Patrick Catholic Church is sponsoring a series of FREE talks open to the public to get to know Pope Francis. The talks will explore his impact on the American Catholic Church and discuss Laudato Si, the Pope’s Encyclical on the environment.

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Advent and Christmas are very special times for Christians. These liturigical seasons are also extraordinary times of learning in faith formation programs at Saint Patrick Catholic Church. Indeed, the Great Light of Jesus is our guide in our journey always.

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The Rite of Acceptance and Welcoming was celebrated at Saint Patrick Catholic Church at the 8:30 A.M. Mass on December 6, 2015.

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The Church is celebrating an extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy—a tenet of our faith that Pope Francis sees as one of the cornerstones of the Church. Saint Patrick Catholic Church is celebrating too!

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You might be wondering what do phone apps have to do with the litugiucal season of Advent or the Jubilee Year of Mercy?

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In honor of the Solemnity of All Souls Day and to enrich the teachings of the Church, the Spiritual Growth Committee at Saint Patrick Catholic Church invites you to a viewing of the documentary, Purgatory, The Forgotten Church on Sunday, November 8, 2015, 4:00-5:30 P.M. in the Church Hall.

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