Bishop Eusebio Elizondo and the faith community at Saint Patrick Catholic Church celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation and one First Holy Communion on March 12, 2016.

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The group pondered the Paschal Mystery— Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection by looking at crucifixes that families brought from their homes.

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On March 6, 2016, 45 parishioners attended a Parish Pilgrimage of Mercy— walking together through the Holy Doors of St. James Cathedral in Seattle, Washington.

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Summer is just around the corner and preparations for Vacation Bible School (VBS) have begun. The 2016 VBS program will be housed at St. Charles Borromeo Parish from 9 am to 12 P.M., June 27 – July 1.

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As part of continuing effort to encourage prayer at Saint Patrick Catholic Church, the parish is providing a Prayer Intention Box. Individuals who have a special intention and would like the parish faith community to pray for the intention are invited to write the intention on a note card and place it in the Prayer Box, located in the vestibule of the Church before Mass. During the Offertory at Mass, the prayers will be brought forth, along with the bread and wine. The prayer intentions will be included in the general Prayers of the Faithful.

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Be a good steward during your Lenten journey. Check out the 29 Ways to Spend the 29th Day created by the Seattle Archdiocese as a resource for living lent more intently!

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Stewardship of Time is about how you spend every minute of every day. Most of us feel we don’t have enough time for all the things we want to do. Time is a limited resource, so we need to prioritize how we use it, which means putting the most important things first.

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We recognize lay leaders in ministry who have shared thier god-given talents. We are grateful for thier generous gifts. Senior Ministry, Military Ministry, Young Professionals are in need of leadership, while CLOW leadership is in need of support. Are you feeling called to serve?

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The Holy Father would like this Jubilee of Mercy to be celebrated throughout the whole world at the local and universal levels. Dioceses including the Seattle Archdiocese and parishes, including Saint Patrick Catholic Church and other churchs in local area are offering a variety of resources to parishioners for reflection and experiencing the love and mercy of God.

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Father Howell’s talk on January 31, 2016 to a crowd of over 100 people, was the first of a series of talks to get to know Pope Francis and what he is doing and how he is affecting catholic thought and culture.

The second talk presented by Professor Catherine Punsalan-Manlimos, the Director of the Institute for Catholic Thought and Culture at Seattle University at 7 P.M. on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 in the Parish Center of Saint Patrick Catholic Church focuses on the Pope’s encyclical on the environment— Laudato Si.
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