Prepare your heart for Easter by praying the Stations of the Cross. On Good Friday, our 8th graders continue a Saint Patrick Catholic School tradition and reenact the Passion of Christ in a…

Join Archbishop Etienne for the Chrism Mass and the blessing of the holy oils, which will be used in the administration of the sacraments at Easter and throughout the Archdiocese for…

Are you passionate about supporting pregnant women, young families, and life-affirming ministry? PREPARES is a nurturing response of the Catholic community in Washington state, providing meaningful, local, and sustainable support…

Learn how God’s love renews individuals, families, and communities and deepen your understanding of Christian values in Couples for Christ‘s inclusive ministry for all ages and life stages— for married couples,…

The Knights are flipping flap jacks! March 30 9:00 am – 11:30 am Saint Patrick Church Church Hall Share 11:00 am Mass-goers, come earlier so you can eat and keep…

The Stations of the Cross is a 14-step Catholic devotion commemorating Jesus Christ’s last day on Earth as a man. The stations are most commonly prayed during Lent on Fridays,…

Step away from the busyness of life and enter into the peace of Lenten prayer. As we journey to the cross, take time to pause, reflect, and pray at Lenten…

Wednesday’s Tenebræ Service gets us started for the central days of Holy Week. Tenebræ is a “service of shadows.” April 16 | 7:00 pm Saint Patrick Church Share The Church…

This Lent, step into the life and ministry of Jesus in a whole new way! Don’t miss the weekly screenings of The Chosen—an acclaimed series that brings the Gospel to…

Deacon Bill Eckert will lead a four-week discussion on one of the Catholic Letters. Deacon Bill will inform us closer to the start date about which of the Seven Letters…

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