Thank you ​for including Rice Bowl as a part of your faith life! T​he easiest way to make your contribution is through Online Giving.

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Father Jerry Graham, S.J. celebrated Mass in the atrium on March 11, 2016 for Level II and Level III children and catechists. The word, ‘Liturgy’ means, ‘work of the people’, and the work in the atrium that day was to pray the Mass together.

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Dedicated volunteers worked hard on March 12, 2016 to clean up the campus of Saint Patrick Catholic School in time for Grandparents Day by pressure washing, weeding and turning over beauty bark.

Save the date— April 9, 2016 for the next weed-whacking party just in time to clean up the campus for the REACH auction!

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Try your hand at Irish Soda bread to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a time-tested recipe shared by Saint Patrick Catholic Church staff person Mary Randall.

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Bishop Eusebio Elizondo and the faith community at Saint Patrick Catholic Church celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation and one First Holy Communion on March 12, 2016.

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We are hiring! Saint Patrick Catholic Church is looking for three new people to join the team.

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Curious about the Stewardship of Treasure Weekly Contributions box in the weekly bulletin?

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The group pondered the Paschal Mystery— Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection by looking at crucifixes that families brought from their homes.

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Are you Christ-centered with a heart for caring ministry, in addition to gifts and skills in areas such as leadership, teaching and organizing people. You will become equipped and inspired to serve as a Stephen Leader at a one-week Leader’s Training Course.

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On March 6, 2016, 45 parishioners attended a Parish Pilgrimage of Mercy— walking together through the Holy Doors of St. James Cathedral in Seattle, Washington.

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