Saint Patrick Catholic Church is offering a parish-wide Reconciliation Service at 6:30 P.M. on Monday, March 14, 2016. All are invited to join with our faith community to reflect on our lives through Scripture readings and songs followed by an examination of conscience ending with confessing our top fault or two. Several priests will be available for the Sacrament of Reconcilation and Penance.

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Summer is just around the corner and preparations for Vacation Bible School (VBS) have begun. The 2016 VBS program will be housed at St. Charles Borromeo Parish from 9 am to 12 P.M., June 27 – July 1.

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The weeds won’t stop growing! A weed whacking work party is happening at Saint Patrick Catholic School 9 – 1 P.M. on March 12, 2016.

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The community of Saint Patrick Parish is offering a Healing Mass of Mercy on Friday, March 11, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. This Mass is being held with the prayerful intention of sharing our community’s merciful solidarity with survivors of sexual abuse, their families and friends and any other people who have been hurt or suffering in any way as a result of sexual abuse by clergy members and religious brothers and sisters.

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As part of continuing effort to encourage prayer at Saint Patrick Catholic Church, the parish is providing a Prayer Intention Box. Individuals who have a special intention and would like the parish faith community to pray for the intention are invited to write the intention on a note card and place it in the Prayer Box, located in the vestibule of the Church before Mass. During the Offertory at Mass, the prayers will be brought forth, along with the bread and wine. The prayer intentions will be included in the general Prayers of the Faithful.

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Saint Patrick Catholic Church honors our Patron Saint with the Annual Corn Beef and Cabbage Dinner sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Tacoma Council 809 on March 13, 2016 in the Church Hall.

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Are you called to help those in crisis turn their world right side up? Stephen Ministry may be for you! We all experience challenges in life – times when we could benefit from support. In many cases, Stephen Ministers can provide a caring Christian friend who listens, prays and encourages when we are faced with a crisis or difficulty.

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Saint Patrick Catholic Church is taking up a collection the weekend of March 5 – 6, 2016 to benefit Catholic Relief Services.

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The Pastoral Council invites you to a Soup Supper followed by Stations of the Cross.

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As the Parish Long Range Planning team is discerning/discovering the “mission that has us” we are simultaneously being asked by the Archdiocese and Pierce Deanery to address the challenge of asking existing parishes to begin re-thinking what it means to be a “church community” looking beyond our traditional parish boundary models, to see if there are ways current parish communities can collaborate and partner with one another to better serve the collective needs of Catholics in Pierce County.

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