Join us for the movie screening of St. Francis of Assisi: Sign of Contradiction.

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Thank you for making your commitment to our 2019 Stewardship Renewal.

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In the months to come, the Catechumens and Candidates will be preparing for full initiation into the Catholic faith through Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.

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As CCS celebrates “100 Years of Hope,” your gift to the Centennial Appeal for the Poor helps provide meals, shelter and housing, clothing, counseling and Christ-like love without condition to nearly 100,000 vulnerable neighbors in desperate need.

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We celebrated the feast of St. Nicholas together. Check out the photos!

This Advent, women are invited to delve deeper into the Christmas story, and the beloved family on which it is based.

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All Souls Day is a Catholic day of remembrance dedicated to those who have recently died.

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Two of the three Meritorious Action Award presented in Western Washington in 2018 were earned by scout leaders in Saint Patrick Catholic Church & School sponsored Troop 299.

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Do you want serve in a ministry that serves children or vulnerable adults? Do you plan on chaperoning field trips or youth minsitry retreats? This training is for you!

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As we enter our season of Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure, we wanted to openly share information regarding our stewardship and management of your very generous contributions to your faith community.

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