The ministry of Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) is an important one to our parish. It speaks of our commitment to reaching out and providing an accessible understanding of the weekly Mass to the youngest members of our community. But it cannot happen without the help of many volunteers.
CLOW Is On Summer Hiatus
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is on a summer hiatus. Due to the summer schedule of volunteers, there are not enough leaders to cover Masses during the months of July and August. The program will restart on September 18, 2016— coincidently the Catechetical Blessing and Blessing of Students Mass and the Parish & School Picnic at 12 PM.
Share and Reflect on the Gospel with Children
We invite you to be a part of the team when we relaunch in September 2016. Note, that we are not looking for teachers. The weekly CLOW leaders do not teach. They share the Sunday scripture with the children and invite reflection and conversation.
Will You Be a CLOW Leader?
We hope you will consider being part of the team! If you feel called to help keep Children’s Liturgy a strong and vibrant opportunity for the young people of Saint Patrick Catholic Church, send us an email.
CLOW on Retreat
All current and incoming leaders are invited to attend a retreat on Wednesday, September 14, 2016, 6:00 pm – 9:45 pm for prayer and fellowship to kick-off the new year of CLOW.
The retreat will be a re-affirmation of commitment to this important ministry with some re-fresher training, some re-energizing prayer and some re-newing of friendships.
Check out the event invite on Facebook. Share it with someone who might be interested in become a CLOW Leader.
RSVP are encouraged— Yes, I want to RSVP!