Join Archbishop Etienne for the Chrism Mass and the blessing of the holy oils, which will be used in the administration of the sacraments at Easter and throughout the Archdiocese for the year. These holy oils include the oil of catechumens, the oil of the infirm, and holy chrism.
Pilgrimage Bus
Our friends in the faith at Saint Charles Borromeo and Saint Leo the Great have chartered a bus and invited us to join them on the pilgrimage.
April 10 | 7:00 pm
St. James Cathedral
The bus departs at 5:15 pm from the parking lot at Saint Charles Borromeo Church and returns immediately after Mass at the Cathedral.
You can bring a meal to enjoy on the bus en route to the Cathedral. A $25 donation is suggested to offset the cost of the bus.
All are welcome to join us for this beautiful liturgy.