Let’s pray together at the atrium’s annual Rock Blesssing & Placement Ceremony on in the Parish Center on May 22, 2016 immediately after the 10:30 AM Mass.
The ceremony will include the commissioning of Elise Johns as a Level I catechist in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
The faith community will say farewell in the tradition of Saint Patrick Catholic Church with an Irish Blessing for the Sosinski family too—as they begin their journey to make a home in North Carolina.

The Rock Blessing
The Rock Blessing will be presided over by Deacon Bill Eckert and his wife Barb. Rocks (and a few seashells) from all over the world are placed in the Rock Garden after they are blessed. FSometimes from far away lands like Chile and Medjugorje— the site of alleged Marian apparitions others from closer to home places like Idaho and Oregon.
The placement is followed by fellowship, a collaborative art reflection project and potluck in the Parish Center.
Check out the photos from the 2015 Rock Blessing & Placement or go to Facebook for photos of previous ceremonies.
Miss Johns has generously answered the call to serve Lord through the children in the atrium— completeing Leveil I fomration for the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Each level of CGS formation requires 100 hours of study. Elise has demonstrated dedication and faith in her pursuit of this certificate.
The Sheepfold
The Sheepfold— the Pacific Northwest Consortium for CGS Sustainability provides an opportunity for a faith community to have ongoing, affordable and sustainable training for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Formation.
CGS equips men and woman to serve in an atrium— a sacred space called the atrium where the catechist and the child learn from each other as they listen to the Word of God together!
Discern the Call to Serve
Are you discering a call to serve as a CGS catechist in the atrium? Maybe you are you called to serve as an assistant to a catechist as you discern CGS formation? Interested in catechesis for your child age 3 or older? Or would you like to come see the atrium? Kim Ward, Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation at Saint Patrick Catholic Church will show you the beautiful space where the mystery of God meets the mystery of the child.
Read more about recent CGS happenings in the News Archives.