The 2019 collection for Northwest Catholic will take place in our parishes the weekend of January 19 – 20, 2019. Thank you for your past support of this annual collection, which allows for the publication of the beautiful Catholic magazine for the Church in Western Washington. Please make every effort again this year to support this important collection.
What is Northwest Catholic?
Northwest Catholic is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Seattle, mailed 10 times each year to every registered Catholic household in Western Washington. Its mission is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to Catholics in Western Washington to teach, inspire, and form disciples who know the Lord and live their faith to the full.
Why is this Collection Important?
This collection funds evangelization by supporting communications through television, radio, internet, and other media, and through special projects of the Catholic press. It is an important initiative to evangelize and catechize fellow Catholics in the Seattle Archdiocese. Through the magazine, and increasingly through related digital channels, the Church is able to enter every home with a message of hope.
Give the Gift of Faith
Help give the gift of faith to every registered Catholic household in Western Washington. Make your generous contribution today.