Often we are asked what opportunties are available at Saint Patrick Catholic Church to pray besides Mass. As part of our continuing effort to encourage greater prayer and devotion, we invite you to learn about and try a prayer opportunities you might not be aware of.
Prayer Intention Box
Individuals who have a special intention and would like the parish faith community to pray for the intention are invited to write the intention on a note card and place it in the Prayer Box, located in the vestibule of the Church before Mass. During the Offertory at Mass, the prayers will be brought forth, along with the bread and wine. The prayer intentions will be included in the Prayers of the Faithful.
Prayer Line
For those who can’t make it to Mass but would like the parish to pray for a special intention, please send an email or call 253-383-2783 and we’ll forward your prayer request to our Prayer Line. The prayer line consists of various parish groups who have offered to pray for parishioners’ intentions. You can also submit a prayer request through the parish website on the Prayer Line Ministry page with the click of a button or via Prayer Requests button on myParish app.
Consider joining us for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Parish Center Chapel on Monday afternoons from 3:00-7:00 pm. Holy Cross Catholic Church, located at 5510 North 44 Street, Tacoma, Washington, has a Perpetual Adoration Chapel. It is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week where the faithful have been praying day and night for over 33 years.
Votive Candles
We recently re-introduced a rack of votive candles located near the Mary Altar. Feel free to light a candle for a special intention before or after Mass. This is a wonderful tradition of remembering loved ones.
Strength in Prayer
Please continue to pray for one another in whatever form that may take in your lives. We are a faith community that benefits from the strength and solidarity of praying and caring for each other. Just as a single coal taken from a campfire quickly loses its glow and grows cold, we too need the warmth and support of each other to keep the flames of faith alive for ourselves and for each other.
Saint Patrick – Pray For Us!
Kevin Lovejoy
Pastoral Coordinator
Saint Patrick Catholic Church & School