Questions are a normal part of transition. Here is a question we have been hearing recently from the parish community along with our answer.
A family member recently died. How do I go about making funeral arrangements?
Please accept our heartfelt condolences. At St. Patrick, the parish staff help you during your time of loss. Mary Randall, the Pastoral Assistant for Funerals will guide the family in making funeral Mass arrangements, coordinating with Father Jerry Graham, S.J., the presider for funeral Masses. Fr. Jerry’s availability must be confirmed before a funeral date is set.
As has been our practice in the past, the days for funeral Masses and services are Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Services typically begin at 11:00 A.M. in the Church followed by a reception in the Church Hall. The dedicated Funeral Receptions Ministry Team is available to assist with the reception if the family wishes. The interment follows the reception at the cemetery, if the family desires a graveside service on the same day as the funeral. Did you know that Deacon Bill Eckert is permitted to celebrate a Catholic funeral that does not include a Mass? Parishioners are encouraged to consider this option. Deacon Bill is a full-time teacher at Bellarmine Prep, which may impact his availability during the school year. Questions? Call 253- 383-2783 ext 4109 or email Mary Randall, Pastoral Assistant for Funerals.