As we prepare for Advent and the new liturgical year, Saint Patrick Catholic Church will offer a blessing to all liturgical ministers as they begin another term of service at the parish. This year, the annual commissioning will be celebrated the weekend of November 21- 22, 2015 at each Mass.
The commissioning occurs on The Feast of Christ the King, when we as Church honor the end our Church Year. Our priest presider will call liturgical ministries forward for a blessing immediately after the homily and before the Prayers of the Faithful.
Very often, many of our liturgical ministers work behind the scenes to make our liturgies faith-filled and sacred. The following ministries are being commissioned and blessed:
Altar Servers
Arts and Environment
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Choir Members
Daily Mass Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers of the Sick
Liturgical Commission Members
We give great thanks to these ministries, to their leaders and their members for sharing their talents with St. Pat’s along with the 40 other ministries that are essential to parish life. May God continue to bless their good work in our community.
If you are interested in ministry life, are feeling called visit Stewardship of Talents to learn more.