Saint Patrick Catholic School’s Spanish language classes welcomed ten exchange students and two teachers from South America. Their visit included a home-stay with school families, classroom visits, cultural presentations, language enrichment, exploring the area, and a bilingual middle school Mass.
Bilingual Mass
Although not a fully bilingual Mass, the welcome statement and first reading were delivered in both English and Spanish by Saint Patrick Catholic School students.
Additionally, everyone wase encouraged to respond to the Prayers of the Faithful with “Oremos al Señor” and exchange the Sign of Peace with “La Paz.”
Liturgy Lunch Club
The Mass was prepared students of Saint Patrick Catholic School Liturgy Lunch Club team for the month of January. The groups goal was to highlight January as Poverty Awareness Month in the Church and to acknowledge the Presidential Inauguration, all the while be inclusive of the guest students and teachers.
Maria Lewis, LLC Advisor and the Music and Drama Specialist at Saint Patrick Catholic School noted that it was a “tough balancing act that took a lot of thought and discussion with the 10 kids who volunteered their lunch periods to plan the Mass.”
The Prayers of the Faithful
The following were the Prayers of the Faithful, composed by the LLC students for Janaury 12, 2017:
- We pray for our Catholic Church. We pray for Pope Francis, that he continues to lead us all in the challenge to live in solidarity with those among us who are impoverished or marginalized. Help us to follow his direction more consciously during this month of Poverty Awareness.
- We pray for our world. We pray especially for those around the world who have been victims of recent violence, or have been affected by natural disasters. We also pray for the homeless and impoverished who have been experiencing dangerous or life-threatening conditions this winter.
- We pray for the United States. We pray for meaningful dialogue and peaceful events around next week’s Inauguration activities. We pray especially that those stepping into new positions will lead, with wisdom, to bring justice and unity to all Americans.
- We also pray for an end to violence and threats across our nation and community, and for our country to be filled with peace and love. We pray that anyone who has felt threatened finds love and protection in our God.
- We pray for Saint Patrick Catholic Church and School. We pray in thanksgiving for our guests from the Gimnasio Fontana School in Bogotá, Columbia. We hope that the remainder of their visit is fruitful and rewarding, and we pray for safe travels throughout their journey.
- We pray for those in our community who are sick today in mind, spirit, or body, especially for Rick Coovert, Debbie Rupert, MaryAnn Toohey and Monica Ilacqua.
- We pray for those who have died recently in our parish and school community. We also pray for the victims of the Fort Lauderdale shooting and their families.
“Absolutely beautiful. I just love how you are empowering them to think about and write their own prayers in their own words,” said Katrina Coovert, parent of an LLC student, parishioner and 5th grade teacher at the school. Mrs. Coovert notes,”it’s a lot more work [for her collegue, Maria Lewis]but the fruit of [the LLC group]is priceless.”
Photos Tell A Thousand Words
Check out the highlights of the exchange students’ visit in photos. Click below to visit our ablum on Facebook.
Let’s Pray Together
Join us for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Taize Prayer at 8:45 A.M. on January 26, 2017 at Saint Patrick Catholic Church led by Father Pete Henriot, S.J. Parishioners, parents and the community are invited to pray together with the students of Saint Patrick Catholic School in lieu of daily Mass.
Weekly Adoration
Did you know that Saint Patrick Catholic Church offers weekly Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel at the Parish Center? Come and pray with us before the Blessed Sacrament.