We are pleased to announce the newest members of the Pastoral Council at Saint Patrick Catholic Church & School. Welcome Kathy Bethke , Kathey Bucholz, Mark Jensen and Andrew Kariuki Njonge!
Opportunities Abound for Unelected Candidates
On behalf of Saint Patrick Catholic Church faith community, we express gratitude for the parishioners who answered the call to be candidates. The talents and gifts of the 5 candidates not elected are very much valued by our parish faith community. There are many other areas in parish life that could benefit from their leadership and support. The unelected candidates have been invited to consider serving in other areas of parish life. Opportunities to be involved in a transition team, as we begin to plan our new partnership with St. Rita of Cascia Catholic Church and explore ways to collaborate with other neighboring parishes is one of those ways. They have also been presented with opportunities to get involvement in work groups, programs and initiatives as we roll out our new parish mission statement and values and priorities of education, building strong communities and reaching out to young people.
Years of Service
We thank the outgoing members of the Pastoral Council who have shared their talent with the parish over the past 4 years— Matt Hustead, Anita Staeheli, Dominic Staeheli and Rob Silva.
What is Pastoral Council?
The Pastoral Council is a consultative body that assists the pastor in planning for the needs of our faith community. Its purpose is to form community as a sign and witness of unity for the larger Parish community; to provide recommendations for Parish priorities, directions and policies through pastoral planning; and to promote communication and understanding among Parish organizations and between the Parish, the Archdiocese, and the universal Church.
The Election Process
The parish asked for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the election process. After prayerful discernment of the candidates presented, any person with a vested interest in Saint Patrick Catholic Church were encouraged to vote.
The Pastoral Council Election concluded with voting during all Masses the weekend of May 20 – 21, 2017 to fill four vacant positions of the nine-member Pastoral Council.
Meet Your New Pastoral Council Members
Mark Jensen
I would be honored and humbled to serve the parish as a council member and excited to assist in our upcoming goals and initiatives.
Sheila and I have attended Saint Patrick’s since we moved to Tacoma in 1989 and our children were educated at St Patrick’s school. We became what we considered to be “fully engaged in the parish” about 7 years ago when we returned from California. At that time we decided to live in the faith and since then I have been involved as an usher, choir member, Knight of Columbus and a sponsor for a catechumen.
We consider St Patrick’s our home, not just our home parish, but our home.
Andrew Kariuki Njonge
My name is Andrew Kariuki and I am originally from Kenya; and having moved to the US in 2003 with my family. I am married with 2 wonderful children, with our youngest one been a 3rd grader at St Pats School. We became members of the church and school 5 years ago, and have continued to witness and admire the great support and services that we enjoy by been part of the St Pats family.
I am honored if elected to be a member of the Pastoral committee, so as to be able to give back to the great St Pats community. We have always received awesome support and services from the church and school, which is a major reason that I would love to give back the same support and services to all out there seeking the same support as we did, or more so, even great support.
Thank you for believing in me and God bless everyone for all they have done or will do.
Kathy Bethke
My name is Kathy Bethke. I have been a parishioner here at St. Patrick Church for almost 20 years. My husband, Bob, and I have three children that have attended St. Patrick School since kindergarten. Our two oldest are now at Bellarmine and our youngest is in sixth grade.
I have served on the School Commission, Parents Association and co-chaired the annual REACH Auction. I was also fortunate enough to serve several years on the parish Stewardship Commission with Fr. Seamus.
I feel blessed to be a part of this parish and it would be an honor to serve on the parish Council. Thank you for considering me.
Kathey Bucholz
Saint Patrick has been my parish and church home since 1971, first with my parents and siblings and now with my own children.
I attended St. Patrick School, Bellarmine Prep, and Georgetown University and, after staying home with my children for several years, now work at the school as registrar and administrative assistant. My two children also attended St. Pat’s and are now students at Bellarmine.
The changes in our parish in recent years have been challenging but have, I believe, strengthened our community in many ways. I am particularly grateful for increased opportunities for lay people to minister to and serve each other.
I have volunteered over the years at St. Patrick School in various capacities but have found myself called in recent years to more involvement in the parish. I am currently a Eucharistic Minister at the 8:30 Mass. I would welcome the opportunity to serve on the Pastoral Council.
Learn More
If you have any questions about the election process or questions about or for the Pastoral Council, send us an email.