Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and know, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:16-20

We are Called to Be Stewards

The Church calls people to the responsible stewardship of their time and talent in support of the Church. This often takes the form of volunteering for a specific lay ministry, most of which are liturgical, catechetical, or involved in pastoral care and social justice.

Liturgical lay ministries include lectors who proclaim scriptural passages during the Eucharist, altar servers who assist the presider at the altar, cantors who lead the singing, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion who serve during Mass and/or who take Holy Communion to the sick and homebound, and ushers or greeter who direct the seating and procession during the celebration.

Catechetical lay ministries include catechists, dismissal leaders (ministers who lead OCIA catechumens),  youth group leaders, and Scout religious emblems counselors.

Other lay ministries include those who work with charitable activities, pastoral care and outreach, or advocacy for social justice.

Your Gifts Are Essential

Finding ministry within which to serve is easy because there are many options to choose from. With over 50 ministries and programs, there is one that is best suited for you— one that matches the gifts and talents that God graced you with with the needs of the ministry.

We Are a Community of Communities

The Great Commission created the infrastructure for basic ministerial functions within the Church. Our Parish is a community of communities. Every person’s faith journey is different, and every person’s interests and talents will lead them to different places. And yet, we are all of the Body of Christ.

Be Part of the Mission

We invite you to take part in this great mission! To learn more about specific groups, please follow the links to the right or contact the Parish Center for additional information about the ministry or to join a ministry group.