Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.Hebrews 13:1 – 9
Ushers Mission
Our mission of the usher at Saint Patrick Catholic Church is that of hospitality. Our service is making parishioners and guests feel welcome and comfortable as we gather for our Eucharistic celebration. Our Ushers can see the presence of Christ in each person as they arrive.
The Oldest Lay Ministry
The ministry of ushers is the oldest lay ministry in the Catholic Church. During the time of Christ, the doorkeepers of the temple numbered in the hundreds and were the forerunners of today’s ushers.
The more immediate predecessor of today’s usher can be found in the clerical order of ostiary (porter), instituted in the 3rd Century A.D. During those times it was the duty of the porters or ushers to guard the door of the church against any intruders who might disturb the service. The porter duties were so important that they came to be included in the rite of ordination, where they were specified as: “to ring the bells, open the church and sacristy, to open the book for the preacher.”
In 1972 Pope Paul VI abolished the order of porter and this important task was given over to the laity.
Ushers Responsibilities
Ushers work in service-groups, serving on Saturdays, Sundays, and individually, when available, for funerals, and to help with special services as needed. Ushers provide the following for the parish community:
- Ensure the cleanliness and safety of the sanctuary and the gathering space before and after Mass.
- Along with greeters, ushers, welcome church attendees as they arrive, especially people who appear to be unfamiliar with Saint Patrick Catholic Church.
- Assist in the seating of guests and parishioners especially guiding people with special needs to
appropriate seating and discreetly guide latecomers to seats at appropriate points in the service.
- Collect the offering and immediately bring the offertory collection to the altar and collect it after Mass has ended.
- Organize the flow of the parish community as they come forward for Communion or other sacraments or events such as the veneration of the Cross during Lent.
- Monitor the congregation during the service to see if any church members have a special need that requires assistance.
- Record attendance count.
- Hand out the weekly bulletin.
- Handle medical emergencies, service disruptions, or church evacuations with courage and composure.
Are You Feeling Called to Be an Usher?
Ushers are an essential part of Saint Patrick Catholic Church. Ushers are highly visible members of Saint Patrick Catholic Church. They must be dependable, hospitable, and gracious to all. This ministry is open to all adult parishioners. Ushering is a great way to meet parishioners.