in Jesus Christ

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Faith Formation

FORMEDit’s like Netflix for Catholics, but better!

Parish Life

Parish Staff

We are committed to welcoming and meeting you where you are on your faith journey.

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We have many ministry groups— there is something for everyone.

Where are You Called to Serve?

Our Mission

Saint Patrick Parish invites all to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through Eucharist, Prayer, and Education to become Disciples for a World Church.

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Sacrificial Giving

All that we have and all we are is God’s gift. Stewardship of Treasure is one way we show our gratitude for these gifts— by returning a portion of them to God.

Make My 2025 Stewardship Pledge


Grief Support Group When a loved one dies, you can feel isolated, lonely, sad, and…

We’re seeing a new spin on gift card scams. This time, scammers are pretending to be our pastor. They’re asking parishioners for gift card contributions to a worthy cause.

Every so often we are asked why we don’t offer gluten-free hosts for communion. Although it would be wonderful to be able to do so, the Vatican has stated that hosts that are completely free of gluten are invalid matter for the celebration of the Eucharist. Hosts valid for consecration must be made with some degree of wheat.

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