On May, 14, 2106 at 6:30 PM immediately following 5:30 P.M Mass, listen to Father John Hurley’s most excellent talk, They Went Forth: Bringing the New Evangelization to Life. The talk will be overlaid with a presentation of Father Hurley’s PowerPoint slideshow.

Fanning the Flames of the Holy Spirit
On May 1, 2015, a group 17 of Saint Patrick Catholic Church & School parishioners, staff and ministry leaders attended Pentecost: A Celebration of Ministry, hosted by the Faith Formation Office of the Seattle Archdiocese on the Chancery Campus in Seattle, Washington. with the full support of the Archbishop. The ministry day, which had the full support of Archbishop Sartain, was a way to fan the flames of the Holy Spirit within each person’s call to live as a Christian.
Open to an Encounter with Jesus
The gathering began with prayer and was followed by a keynote talk by Father John Hurley, who challenged the community to be open to the encounter with Jesus, to witness to it and to invite others to come and see. Exciting yet challenging words!
Attendees participated in a break out session of their choosing that best served their ministry work. The day ended with a Mass of the Holy Spirit— A Pentecost Day mass for Lay Ministers at St. James Cathedral with Archbishop presiding.
Parishioners Reflections
Parishioners who attend the event said this:
“Fr. Hurley’s talk was a highlight. He emphasized intentional discipleship which I feel we are working towards at St. Patrick.” “It was a wonderful, uplifting experience.” “Fr. John Hurley is an amazing, inspirational speaker who truly moved my spirit.” Patricia Ottow said, “What was re-confirmed for me at the Celebration of Ministry is that God is infinitely generous and cannot be outdone in Love,” in her reflection on the day titled Pentecost: A Celebration of Ministry.Come Holy Spirit, Come
All are welcome for an evening of fellowship and fanning the flames of the Holy Spirit. Bring a dish to share and your drink of choice, (yes— beer and wine too.)
What is Pentecost?
In the New Testament, Pentecost was the occasion of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ, as described in the Acts of the Apostles 2:1–31. and therefore in the Christian liturgical year, it became a feast commemorating this occasion. For this reason, Pentecost is described by some Christians as the “Birthday of the Church”.
Traditional interpretation holds that the Descent of the Holy Spirit took place in the Upper Room, or Cenacle, while celebrating the day of Pentecost (Shavuot). The Upper Room was first mentioned in Luke 22:12–13. This Upper Room was to be the location of the Last Supper and the institution of Holy Communion.
According to the current Jewish Calendar, the date of Pentecost is fifty days from Passover.
Wear Red to Mass
Red is the color of Pentecost. It symbolizes joy and the fire of the Holy Spirit. Priests wear red vestments, and in modern times, the custom has extended to the lay people of the parish wearing red clothing in celebration as well. Red banners are often hung from walls or ceilings to symbolize the blowing of the “mighty wind” and the free movement of the Spirit.
Event Update
The Pentecost event was atteneed by 10 people. According to Kim Ward, Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation, it felt more like a prayerful, powerful atrium session than anything else.”
The group participated in a “Pentecost Celebration” in atrium form after listening to Father Hurley’s presentation. Scripture was read. Silence and reverence filled the room. When individuals were invited choose a gift of the Holy Spirit and to light a candle, there was no hesitation— only joy and prayer. Deacon Bill Eckert led all in a joyful closing hymn. The evening was filled with full, active, conscious participation.
The depth of prayer and fellowship was inspiring.
Listen to Father John Fuchs, S.J. homily for Pentecost— inviting us to pray for the gift of the holy spirit!