On January 31, 2016 Father Patrick Howell, S.J. discussed Pope Francis at Saint Patrick Catholic Church. Over 100 people in attendnace learned more about who is Pope Francis and what he is up to and his impact in the American Catholic Church.
From the Vatican Bank to the Joy of the Gospel and Everything in Between
Father Howell will addressed a variety of topics from the reform of the Vatican Bank to spiritual reform from the joy of the Gospel to exploring how God is all merciful and everything in between including the decentralization of the Church hierarchy, the Pope’s priority of the poor and new advisory structures for the Church.
Father Howell’s Talk Leaves an Impact
The talk was well received by staff, parishioners and by the community. Mary Randall, Pastoral Assistant for Funerals, Liturgy and Pastoral Care at Saint Patrick Catholic Church said she was “struck by the way Father Howell kept referring to the Pope as not Pope Francis but using his more intimate personal name,” demonstating “a closeness that Father Howell had to Pope Francis beyond just reporting what the Pope is doing.”
Randall, noted that “Father Howell had vast knowledge of both Church and papal history.” Randall also shared, “it was an amazing talk that highlighted the fact that this Pope is both pastoral and a good administrator— breaking down the Vatican Bank and choosing to focus on the poor of all over the world through the Joy of the Gospel and Mercy.”
The Pope Series Continues
Father Howell’s talk was the first of a series of talks to get to know Pope Francis and what he is doing and how he is affecting catholic thought and culture. The second talk presented by Professor Catherine Punsalan-Manlimos, the Director of the Institute for Catholic Thought and Culture at Seattle University at 7 P.M. on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 in the Parish Center of Saint Patrick Catholic Church focuses on the Pope’s encyclical on the environment— Laudato Si.
Father Pat Howell, S.J. talks about the impact of Pope Francis on the American Catholic Church to a crowd of 100+ at Saint Patrick Catholic Church! #popefrancis #catholicchurch
Posted by Saint Patrick Catholic Church on Sunday, January 31, 2016
Praise Be to You
Laudato Si, Italian for “Praise Be to You,” is the second encyclical from Pope Francis after Lumen fidei (“Light of Faith”), which was released in 2013. The encyclical on the environment has the subtitle, On Care For Our Common Home.
Professor Punsalan-Manlimos Discusses On Care for Our Common Home
Professor Punsalan-Manlimos believes that Pope Francis is building on a long Catholic tradition of concern and care for creation in his encyclical Laudato Si released in 2015.
“Pope Francis has given us the profound gift of drawing our attention to care for all the earth,” said Punsalan-Manlimos. “When we reach back into our sacred texts, we find this message written throughout— the message is not new. In his encyclical, Pope Francis is weaving together the wisdom of our faith tradition and its moral demands to take our proper place in God’s creation, in God’s ecosystem, with humility and restraint”.
The Pope’s Prayer Intention for Creation
The Pope’s prayer intention for February is: “that we may take good care of creation— a gift freely given— culitivating and protecting it for future generations.”
Learn More
As we pray for creation throughout February— the Pope’s prayer intention for the month—refresh your knowledge of Laudato Si and prepare for the talk about the encyclical by checking out an article from the News Archives What is Laudato Si?
Join Professor Catharine Punsalan for to learn more at 7 P.M. on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 in the Parish Center of Saint Patrick Catholic Church. This event is FREE and open to the community. Bring a friend or a few. Download The Pope Series: Laudato Si flyer and post it at school, work, your favorite coffee shop and invite the community to discuss how we care for our environment.
Laudato Si— is not just a catholic thing— just like the monthly intentions of the Holy Father concern the challenges facing humanity so does his encyclical on the environment!