In response to the sudden death of our long time parishioner Florence Bucholz, the parishioners and pastor of Saint Wensceslaus, in Bogotá, Colombia celebrated Mass and offered prayers in honor of Florence at the very same time of Florence’s funeral at Saint Patrick Catholic Church.
Sister Parishes
Saint Wensceslaus and Saint Patrick Catholic Church are Sister Parishes. Florence was the ministry leader to Sister Parish Ministry since 2000. Members of the Sister Parish ministry vow to keep the work of twinning with our Sister Parish in Bogotá alive through prayers and communication in support of Florence’s vision for helping the “cry of the poor.”
- Florence Bucholz is third from the left and includes Father Seamus Laverty on the right, Jim O’Neil on the left and respresentatives from Saint Wensceslaus including the parish pastor, Father Libardo.
Foreign Mission Outreach
Before her passing, Florence was instrumental in bringing together the outreach programs that Saint Patrick Catholic Church supports as a stewardship parish under one umbrella— Foreign Missions Outreach.
Foreign Missions Outreach— encompasses all of the outreach programs that Saint Patrick Catholic Church supports that are outside of our parish boundaries. Those ministry programs include the Sister Parish, Saint Wensceslaus; The Loyola Jesuit Secondary School (LJSS) in Malawi, Africa under the direction of Father Peter Henriot, S.J.; the Colegio Anexo San Francisco de Asis (CASFA), a school in Bogotá, Colombia sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis of Rochester, Minn.; and the Missionaries of Charity— the mission of the Sisters of Mother Teresa’s order in Bopal, India.
Learn More
Stay tuned for more information on the work of the Foreign Missions Outreach and how the ministry will share the story of the four foreign missions and provide much needed support.
Would you like to learn more and discern your call to support Foreign Missions Outreach? Check out Sister Parish page which includes information on CASFA and learn more on the LJSS page. Details about the Missionaries of Charity are coming soon.