CRS Rice Bowl began on Ash Wednesday, February 10, 2016 and ends with Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016.

Rice Bowl Brings Lenten Spirituality to Life

CRS Rice Bowl is Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten faith-in-action program for families and faith communities. It is simple, yet a powerful way for parishes, schools, and families to bring Lenten spirituality to life.

Feeding the Hungry and Sheltering the Homeless

During Lent, Catholics in the U.S. do something amazing through CRS Rice Bowl. Their prayers, fasting and almsgiving become lifesaving aid for millions of individuals living in conditions of poverty around the world. The hungry are fed; the thirsty are given drink; the homeless find shelter.

By participating in CRS Rice Bowl, Catholics in the U.S. make a positive difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters who are most in need.

The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper with the instruction, ‘Take care of him. If you spend more than what I have given you, I shall repay you on my way back.’Luke 10:35

Give with Your Heart

When we reflect on the story of the Good Samaritan, we may often miss this last line, so caught up are we in the great act of service done on the side of the road. But it’s important to note the Good Samaritan’s closing words: “Take care of him. If you spend more than what I have given you, I shall repay you on my way back.” He gives freely and wholeheartedly in equal measure to the need of the one whom he serves.

CRS Rice Bowl Funds Stay in Western Washington

Rice Bowl is a program supported by the Missions Office of the Archdiocese of Seattle. Seventy-five percent of Rice Bowl donations are used by Catholic Relief Services overseas for development projects, such as small loans for women in the poorest areas of the world. Twenty-five percent of the funds stay in each diocese for local projects. $528,009.44 was raised in the Seattle Archdiocese through Rice Bowl in Lent of 2015, and so $132,002.36 was made available for over 250 grants in western Washington funding food pantries, soup kitchens, and other programs that help your neighbors in need.

Make Your Gift Today

Your support ​of the Rice Bowl program is very much appreciated. Because of you, the Seattle Archdiocese remains a leader in the U.S. in participation in this Lenten program. What you give up for Lent truly does change lives around the world.

Thank you ​for including Rice Bowl as a part of your faith life! T​he easiest way to make your contribution is through Online Giving. Click on the link below and make your gift today!

Make My CRS Rice Bowl Donation