Saint Patrick Catholic Church & School celebrates Scout Sunday on February 5, 2017 at the 10:30 A.M. Mass.
What is Scout Sunday?
The Boy Scouts of America designates the Sunday that falls before February 8— Scouting Anniversary Day as Scout Sunday, which is the primary date to recognize the contributions of young people and adults to Scouting.
Scout Sunday was added to the Scout celebration in the mid-1940s to bring greater awareness to Scouting and to allow Scouts to live out their “Duty to God” pledged each week.
A Scout is Reverant
The Scout Law says that “A Scout is Reverent” and the Scouts of all ages promise to do their “Duty to God”. These values strengthen youth character in their family, community and faith.
Scouting’s founder, Lord Robert Baden-Powell, knew that faith gives young people a road map for like, and that is a wise guide for actions and thoughts.
Scout Sunday is a beautiful reminder to ground ourselves in faith and reverence both in personal lives and in the Boy Scouts of America’s daily mission to make the world a better place.
Jesus is a Friend
Reverence toward God is an integral part of the scouting experience.
The purpose of the Light of Christ Emblem and the Parvulu Dei (children of God) Emblem is to help the Cub Scout develop a personal relationship with Jesus, with the parents’ active assistance and participation in this program, it is hoped that the Cub will come to see Jesus as a real person and his friend.
Pack 299 honors two Light of Christ recipients and four Parvuli Dei recipients who have worked with their parents through a spiritual journey to earn their emblems.
They are as follows: Kylease Harmon (LOC), Ryan McDaniel (LOC), Eoin McDaniel (PD), Jeremy Njonge (PD), Jordan Melvard (PD), and Emilio Llanas (PD).
Recognizing Collaborative Leadership
The Cub Scouts recognize and thank Kim Ward, Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation for her leadership in helping with Scout testing for earning the Light of Christ medallions!
“It was a privilege working with Scout leader Andrew Boileau and the boys on the Scout testing. Each of them have worked hard and earned this emblem. Kudos to their families as well,” said Kim Ward.
Curious About Scouting?
Pack 299 will be hosting Sunday Social Hour following the 8:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. Masses. Come and talk to Scouts and Scout leaders about the program and learn more about the Cub Scout Pack 299 and Boy Scout Troop 299 affiated with Saint Patrick Catholic Church.
Light of Christ
Kylease Harmon
Ryan McDaniel
Parvulu Dei
Eoin McDaniel
Jeremy Njonge
Jordan Melvard
Emilio Llanas
Recognizing Collaborative Leadership
The Cub Scouts recognize and thank Kim Ward, Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation for her leadership in helping with Scout testing for earning the emblems.
Curious About Scouting?
Scouts will be hosting Sunday Social Hour following the 8:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. Masses on February 5, 2017. Come and talk to Scouts and Scout leaders about the program and learn more about the Cub Scout Pack 299 and Boy Scout Troop 299 affiliated with Saint Patrick Catholic Church & School.