Michelle Menegon, is a student at the University of Puget Sound. She is from St. Helena, a city in Napa County, California. Her home parish, St. Helena Catholic Church reflects the cities name. Michelle calls Saint Patrick Catholic Church her home parish when she is in Tacoma. She attends Mass at the parish and when she is not at Mass at Saint Patrick Catholic Church she can be found at a Catholic Mass at the Kilworth Memorial Chapel on the UPS campus. [A Catholic Mass was celebrated on campus every other week November 2016 – May 2017.]
Stewardship Away From Home
In the fall of 2015, as an 18 year old sophmore attending the University of Puget Sound, Michelle walked into the Parish Center of Saint Patrick Catholic Church & School. She wanted to get involved in a nearby parish during her years at UPS.
Called to CGS
She began volunteering and serving the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in the Level III atrium with children ages 9 – 12. She faithfully serves each week without fail, a Godsend to catechists Kim Ward, Pastoral Associate of Faith Formation and volunteer, Demetra Schwieger.
Study Aboard, Hiatus from CGS
On January 22, 2017, Michelle departed for her study abroad in France, an emersion experience where only French was spoken in her living, school, and community life. She took electives and core classes at the University of Burgundy in Dijon, France until June 2017.
Michelle is double majoring in Business and French Language International Affair and Business. She returned in the fall of 2017 as a senior at UPS. She always looks forward her time in the Level lll atrium.
Michelle enjoys coming to the atrium because it’s different. CGS is a unique approach to faith formation. She likes to watch the children interact with the works. Michelle say that the atrium us a, “world away from the world” experience for her.
A Blessing for her Journey
December 9, 2016 was Michelle last atrium session with the children prior to her trip. The children and the catechists along with Michelle took a walk to the Church to look at the Advent decor, specifically the O Antiphons. The group decided that the church setting was the perfect place to bless Michelle for her special journey. The children and catechists layed hands on Michelle and prayed.
Interested in Learning More about the atrium?
Would Catechesis of the Good Shepherd be a good fit for your child and your family? Interested in serving in CGS and helping children journey through thier faith? Email or call Kim Ward, Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation, 253- 383-2783 for more information on registering, volunteering or arranging a tour of the atrium.