The Annual Catholic Appeal is about being Catholic and recognizing there are priests and deacons to be trained, social services for the needy and poor to be offered, Catholic schools to sustain and grow, retired priests and nuns to support, and so much more! The Annual Appeal allows you to join thousands of Catholics to support these needs.
What does the Annual Catholic Appeal Support?
The Annual Appeal is an Archdiocesan campaign reminding Catholics that we are part of the larger Church, not just the local parish. By all parishes working together to support over 60 ministries and services throughout Western Washington, we accomplish what we cannot do alone.
How does the Annual Appeal differ from my Parish Stewardship Giving?
Annual Catholic Appeal and Sacrificial Giving, also known as Parish Stewardship Giving, are part of Christian Stewardship— Stewardship of Treasure. Stewardship is a way of life, not a program with a beginning and end. Stewardship calls us to share a portion of our TIME, TALENT, and TREASURE so that the Good News of Jesus Christ may be shared with those who do not know Him.

What Ministries Does My Gift Support?
The Archdiocese has 169 parishes and missions, serving nearly 600,000 Catholics. When you give a gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal, your money supports over 60 ministries and services.
Some of the ministries supported by your gift include:
- Catholic Faith Formation
- Multicultural Ministries
- Catholic Youth Organization
- Catholic Schools
- Youth and Young Adult Evangelization
- Sisters’ Retirement
- Catholic Community Services
- Tribunal
- Retired Priests’ Medical Care & Priests’ Pension
- Seminarian Formation
- Diaconate & Religious Life
- Lay Ecclesial Ministry
How Does Our Parish Benefit & Rebate?
Parishes are direct recipients of the ministries and services the Annual Catholic Appeal supports. Typically, proceeds exceeding the parish-assigned goal are returned to the parish through a rebate for a stated project or as needed.
How Should I Give?
There are many ways that you can give to the Annual Catholic Appeal.
- Donate online with credit/debit/direct bank withdrawal
- Pledge – submit your pledge (through the pledge card, envelope, or online), and you will be sent monthly reminders.
- Check – make checks payable to Annual Catholic Appeal
- Donate stock – call 800-422-5417 for broker instructions
- Donate through your IRA – contact your IRA administrator and have your gift sent directly to the ACA Office | 710 9th Ave | Seattle, WA 98104 – include your name, ACA ID#, and the parish where you want the gift credit to go to.
- Payroll Deduction – some employers offer this option – check with your employer.
How Much Should I Give?
Consider donating 1% of your income to support the Church in Western Washington through the Annual Catholic Appeal.

If you can participate this year, would you consider a gift of at least $1 a day or an annual contribution of $365 or more? The average donation last year was $395. Gifts of any amount are welcome, and your gift will make a difference in the lives of thousands of your neighbors— Catholic and non-Catholic alike. If you cannot give a monetary donation, consider giving the gift of prayer— which you can indicate on your pledge card.
Can my gift be doubled?
Many companies match gifts to the Annual Catholic Appeal! Check if your employer has a Matching Gift program. Once your payment has been received or the pledge has been paid in full, you can apply for the match per your employer’s instructions. Our Tax ID# might be needed to apply for the match: 91-0778147.
How is My Dollar Allocated?
For every dollar contributed to the Annual Catholic Appeal:
- 74¢ goes to Ministries & Service
- 19¢ goes to Parish Rebates
- 7¢ goes to Appeal Expenses
What Are Our Goals?
Our true goal is 100% parishioner participation— whether it is a financial gift or a gift of prayer. We want to increase the overall number of donors and the gifts received online using a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop— internet/mobile gifts. Please make your donation online and make it early. You’ll save the parish time and money— because the donation is received directly by the ACA office at the Archdiocese of Seattle. There is no lag time, and your donation will be accepted and recognized in parish communications quickly since there is no delay in processing and no cost of follow-up mailings.
Your support is essential to our mission and the mission of the overall Church – without YOU, there would be no Church. Thanks to your generosity, our Church is here in times of need providing comfort and hope.