Thank you for sharing your Talents with Saint Patrick Catholic Church. You have recognized that the Lord has blessed you with talents and abilities that can be fruitful for Him and His work among us in fulfilling the mission of the Church. We are very encouraged by the number of parishioners who have completed a Stewardship of Talent Commitment Card answering the call with an interest to serve more ministries then ever before. We are grateful to all of our parishioners who serve in ministries.
Our Ministry Leaders at St. Pat’s are grateful for your ministry work. At a bi-annual meeting on October 12, 2015—Parish Leaders received the names of parishioners interested in the ministry they shepherd. Over the next few weeks, Ministry Leaders will contact you via email, phone or in person to find out how you would like to be involved in the ministry you were called to.
If you have not heard from a Parish Leader in the next few weeks, let us know. We are very committed to making sure we connect you to the ministry that you prayerfully answered the call to serve. Call the Parish Office 253-383-2783 or email the parish office and we will help you get connected. On the same note— if your name is not on the thank you list and you filled out a Stewardship of Talent Commitment Card let us know and please know that we are grateful for your commitment. We are grateful for the commitment of all parishioners who serve in our ministries. Ministries are the small communities that are the life of the parish.
This year we are using a new software system to help Ministry Leaders more effectively shepherd the many small communities in the parish. As with any new program—there are glitches.
The Year of Mercy is coming up. Please be merciful with us as we learn how to navigate the database.
Christa Able
Maria Aldrete – Levy
Matthew Allore
Jerry Anderson
Karen Anderson
Jill Andrews
Lisa Atkinson
Tyler Atkinson
Marilyn Bailey
Helen Batie
Lisa Beritich
Meaghan Bihun
Niall Bihun
Andrew Boileau
John Bosse
Barb Brandewie
Marlena Breite
Jennifer Brennan
Annabel Brinkmeyer
Ben Brinkmeyer
Dave Britton
Steven Brown
Florence Bucholz
Kathleen Bucholz
Jeannette Burton
Deborah Cade
Jon Calder
Jon Carlson
Elizabeth Catalinich
Anne Chambers
Daniel Patrick Christnacht
Joan Christnacht
Mary Ann Clabaugh
Angela Clark
James Clavenna
Tony Clavenna
Joseph Clavenna
Mary Beth Clavenna
Megan Clavenna
Mollie Cleary
Christopher Constantine
Holly Clubb
Marianne Collins
Katrina Coovert
Levi Coovert
Elijah Corcoran-Stroud
Madaria Corcoran-Stroud
Willow Corcoran-Stroud
Laurel Crosetto
Georgeann Cukjati
Virginia Delyanis
Noreen Deruette
Joan Doherty
Diane Doherty
Donald Dougherty
Sean Drew
Bernie Fernandez
David Firestine
Mary Kay Firestine
Virginia Fiske
Julie Fitchitt
Maureen Freeman
William Garl
Michael Garrison
Arin Gomez
Molly Hagan
Richard Hahn
Jim Hanson
Stephanie Hanson
Mark Harnish
Patricia Hart
Barbara Hepfer
Karen Henderson
Meg Herring
John Higgins
Stephen Hill
Cheryl Hoffman
Robert Hoffman
Laurie Horn
Nancy Jaenicke
Sheila Jensen
Anne Marie Jesse
Stephen Johnson
William Henry Johnson
Doug Jones
Steve Joyce
David Keen
Charles Homer Wade Keller
Elizabeth Keller
Emily Keller
Joseph Keller
Katherine Regine Keller
Paul Keller
Regina Keller
Mark Jensen
Thomas Keller
Timothy Kelly
William Kelly
Nathan Kent-Harber
Christopher Kinyon
Andrew Kormos
Eckert Klee
David Kopchynski
Susan Krattli
Sandra Kuharic
Molly Lane
Robert Lane
James P. Leggett
Catherine Leone-Woods
David Little
Enrique Llanas
Leonard Loflin
Audrey Looper
Jacob Looper
Elias Love
Joshua Love
Leticia Love
Olivia Love
Danny Lovejoy
Lisa Lovejoy
Charlotte Lucey
Sullivan Lucey
Shawn Lund
Gavin MacHutchin
Kimberly Mackey
Christina Marchesseault
Amy Marlow
Brian Marlow
Braeden Mauzy
Anne Mesick
Eoin McDaniel
Liam McDaniel
Ryan McDaniel
Elizabeth McDougall
Henry McDougall
Frances H. McKamey
Lauryn McKinney
Lawrence McNerthney
Allison Meier
Anysa Meier
Penny Melton
Anne Mesick
Seamus Miller
Kathleen Miner
Lynda Morley
David Murdach
Jill Myers
Jeanne M Naccarato
Eric Norling
Adeline Nguyen
Mia Nguyen
Chris Nichols
Shannon Nichols
Andrew Kariuki Njonge
Mary Lou O’Brien
Patricia O’Halloran
John O’Loughlin
James O’Neill
Patricia Ottow
David Pearson
John Pearson
Marie Pepin
Janette Pennington
Jack Peterson
Cathy Pillis
Cheri Prichard
Michael Prichard
Joan Rapkoch
Richard Ranch
Robert Richards
Dianne Rieder
Robert Rieder
James Rooks
Penny Rooks
Daniel Ross
Lauren Ross
Robyn Salie
Sean Salie
Zachary Salie
Alejandro Sanchez
Andrew Sanchez
Ariana Sanchez
Laura Sanchez
Andrew Schomogyi
John Schrader
Scott Shaw
Jessica Silva
Robert Silva
Alexandria Smith
Bradley Smith
Naomi Smith
Marilyn Snarski
Wendy Sodeman
Christopher Staeheli
Dominic Staeheli
Tara Staeheli
Terry Staeheli
Blair Stalcup
Michele Staley
Bruce Stephen-Jordan
Eleanor Strout
Jeannine Sturman
Matthew Thomas
Jeff Thompson
Brian Todhunter
Greer Todhunter
Barbara Tomberg
Ralph Tomberg
Stephen Trinen
Cindy Turco
Michael Turco
Amy Unruh
Greg Unruh
Leah Walker
Rose Walsh
Elizabeth Walter
Denise Ward
Sara Waversveld
Jason Webber
Cathy Whitman
Jason Wing
Jennifer Wing
Bev Wombacher
Judy Wood
Patricia M. Wood
Rex Wood
Aiden Zawilski
Shannon Zawilski
Taliah Zawilski
Kathy Zimmerman
Over 50 ministry leaders along with parish staff met in the Parish Hall at Saint Patrick Catholic Church on Monday,…
Posted by Saint Patrick Catholic Church on Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Are you feeling called? Learn more about Stewardship of Talent then download and complete the Stewardship of Talent Commitment Card and place it in the collection basket when you come to Mass.