Still not sure what is the Annual Catholic Appeal or why you should give? Lisa and Mark Schomogyi, parishioners at St Pats recently gave a witness talk at Mass. They prayerful considered their ACA pledge and shared yet another reason to give to the ACA— the Rebate Project!
About the Schomogyi’s
Lisa Schomogyi, her husband Mark and their four children, have been parishioners at St. Pats for five years. “We love St. Pats and we are proud to support the Seattle Archdiocese and all it does for the greater western Washington community” shared Lisa.
The Numbers Story
It is time to wrap up the Annual Catholic Appeal. Thanks to all who have already made a pledge. As of June 6, St. Pats reached 73% of the overall goal of $133,000— raising $96,726 in pledges and donations. 304 parishioners have contributed— the goal is 462 parishioners participating— reaching 65% of the parishioner participation goal
Why Should you Give?
Believe – Hope – Pray – Community – Mercy – Family— These words represent the values and principles that form who we are as a local and diocesan faith community. Your contribution will help the diocese spread these values and principles through more than 60 agencies and programs.
On the lighter side — two words that don’t appear on the ACA donation card are “restrooms” and “renovation”. If the parish achieves the overall financial goal, a parish rebate will be earned, which will be use to renovate the church restrooms. Plans include new counters, sinks, stalls, and re-finishing the tile floors. While bathroom renovations are not as faith-related as “Hope – Mercy – Grace” and other words on the cover of the pledge card, the parish renovation rebate project is something every parishioner and visit guests will benefit from.
The ability to make these improvements depends on the collective support for the Annual Catholic Appeal and the amount of the rebate earned.
Give Today!
St. Pats is close to meeting the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal goal in dollars and in participation. To reach the goal of $133,000 everyone’s participation is needed. If you have not yet responded, please donate now to the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal!
Need Another Parishioner Perspective on ACA?
Read how another parish family prayerfully considers their ACA donation.