Sister Baptista of the Sisters of the Child Jesus (SCB) of Zambia will pray with us at the 5:30 PM Vigil Mass on Saturday, August 6, 2016. Sister Baptista will provide an update on the happenings within the ministry of Hearts For Zambia (HFZ).
Providing Care to Those Living on the Margins
Hearts of Zambia provides care and housing for orphaned children who have lost their parents to the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
The Saint Patrick Catholic Church faith community has been very supportive of the ministry for several years. The Knights of Columbus Tacoma Council 809 have been sponsoring an Annual Fish Fry during Lent—to raise funds for Hearts for Zambia.
Get to Know Sister Baptista and the Families She Devotes Her Life To Helping
We invite you to help us welcome Sister Baptista back to Tacoma at a Cookie & Coffee Reception in the Gathering Space immediately following 5:30 PM Vigil Mass.