But now thus says the Lord,
he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you: I have called you by name, you are mine.”Isaiah 43:1

The Hospitality Ministry at Saint Patrick Catholic Church is hosting Name Tag Sunday the weekend of September 8 – 9, 2018.

Name Tag Sunday

This just one in a series of Name Tag Sunday weekends that the ministry will host each year. Coffee and donuts will be served at Social Hour in the Church Hall after both Sunday Masses to provide parishioners an opportunity to socialize and get to know each other.


Are you feeling called to serve in this new ministry? Join us in building community among our parish faithful. Volunteers are need to help at the Name Tag Welcome Table before Mass and at the reception after Mass.

Need more convincing? Read a reflection that Chris Gavin, Principal of Saint Patrick Catholic School, shared in the school newsletter, The Blarney Stone on October 16, 2018 after our inaugural Name Tag Sunday regarding his experience with name tags.

A Reflection on Name Tags

Dear Friends,

During the course of 12 hours, I wore a name tag for two different events. I was “Big Jim” Ravioli at a murder mystery dinner party, part of a REACH auction item-and I was “Chris” at Sunday’s 8:30 “name tag” Mass. Something about wearing a name tag must be freeing. People seem more apt to approach others, to introduce themselves, to enter into conversation. At the mystery dinner, the game required a friendlier disposition, an inquisitiveness about the other, being extroverted. You aren’t yourself, which ironically, allows you to be a little more like you might want to be. It was fun to play pretend.

At church yesterday, in a surprising coincidence, I sat right behind a couple who were at the dinner the night before. We all had our real name tags on, and in a way that is rarely true of me at mass, I spoke to them before the liturgy started. We exchanged a heartfelt sign of peace during the liturgy, and wished each other an “Italian goodbye” at the conclusion. It felt like community, and it was real. It was sacramental, and it was fun.

Wearing name tags this weekend reminded me that the heart of our school [and parish] community is a place where everyone is included and made to feel welcome each day. To be known by name frees us to trust, allowing us to be that authentic person who, at times, we are afraid to be. A loving community offers the greatest chance to become our truest selves. This past week as I began meeting with our 8th graders, many of them raised similar sentiments. They are enjoying feeling known and, more importantly, having a space to feel comfortable in who they are as student- leaders. But they’re also looking forward to high school, where they can try new and challenging things, experience new friendships, and find out more about themselves. One student said, “I want to feel like I do here, but in a new place. It will be cool to find out what things I might be really good at.” They are ready to push themselves to be a little bit more of who they are and want to be.

There is no mystery to the importance of a community that lets us be both ourselves and encourages us to be more fully the person God has loved into this world. We may not wear a name tag everyday, but I pray that we all will take just a little more time to get to know each other, to make time for another school [or parish] event, to volunteer with other parents at the school. I would love for you to join us at our school masses, so all in our community can extend to each other God’s peace. I promise it will be fun, and while It may not be as demonstrative as an “Italian goodbye,” it will be a joyous Irish blessing.

“Big Jim”
aka Chris Gavin, Principal of Saint Patrick Catholic School

Tell Me More about the Hospitaility Ministry

Elaine Hilton, Hospitality Ministry Leader


[email protected]