Admissions Process & Policy
Our admissions process differs slightly for different grade levels. For all applicants, we require an application form and fee (submitted online through our Finalsite parent portal) and a copy of the applicant’s birth certificate. Applicants for grades K through 8 will complete a grade-specific assessment of skills, either during their visit or at home. Teacher recommendations and school records will be requested by parents through our admissions portal, and we strongly encourage a classroom visit. Our Admissions Manager & Registrar, Kathey Bucholz, will work with you to complete your child’s application file.
Immunization records are not submitted as part of the application process, but will be collected during enrollment from students who are accepted for admission. Please note that we require incoming students to be current on all state-required immunizations and that we are able to accept only medical exemptions, as directed by the Archdiocese of Seattle. Personal and religious exemptions are not accepted. A child must be 5 years of age for kindergarten, 4 years old for PreK 4, and 3 years old for PreK 3 by August 31 immediately preceding the school year for which the student seeks to enroll. There are no exceptions made to this requirement.
We hold all spots in the school for current families until our re-enrollment period ends in mid-February. After that, we will begin admitting new students from the applications we have on hand. We will continue admitting students until our classes are full.

In the event that the school receives more applications for admission than there are spaces available in a given class or grade level, the following priorities will guide admissions decisions:
- Children of active, participating parish members, who have siblings who will attend Saint Patrick Catholic School (SPCS) during the next academic year or who have graduated from SPCS.
- Children with siblings who will be in the school in the next academic year or who have graduated from SPCS who are not active, participating parish members at Saint Patrick Parish.
- Children of active, participating Saint Patrick Parish members, as defined below, who do not have siblings in the school.
- Children of active, participating parish members at neighboring Catholic churches, as defined below, who do not have siblings in the school.
- All other children.
Final decisions are made by the Principal and Vice Principal of Saint Patrick Catholic School.